Education Plan Features
Discover the features available in EasyReader Premium to help students to read and learn.
All the Benefits of EasyReader App
Accessible Libraries
A direct connection to accessible library services from around the world. Students can benefit from over a million education titles from Bookshare, CELA, RNIB Bookshare, Bookshare Ireland.
Flexible Reader
Make reading accessible for students with a range of accessibility needs. Students can: choose their preferred text size, fonts, colours and spacing; choose a voice and adjust the reading speed; use ‘lines visible’ to focus on 1, 3 or 5 lines at a time; and explore the text by skipping to a heading, adding bookmarks and notes, or using the search.

Empower Your Students to Read and Learn
Read on Any Device at School and Home
Provides a bridge for school and home. EasyReader Premium securely saves your student's book list and reading positions across devices so they can continue reading on a different device where they left off.
EasyReader Premium also saves your student's:
- Reader preferences
- Library logins
- Bookmarks and notes
- Clipboard texts
- Voice pronunciations

Import Classroom Files
An Education Plan allows students to import as many files to EasyReader as they like and read them independently. This includes class files in Word, text, ePub and text-based PDF formats.
Students can import files saved to their device, or sign in to Google Classroom and Microsoft Education for direct access to material saved by a teacher.
Import Text-based PDFs
Make PDF resources accessible by importing them into EasyReader.
Students can read PDFs in their original layout, or switch to text-view to read with their preferred fonts and colours.

High Quality Reading Voices
Choose from a range of high quality reading voices.
Voices are provided by Nuance Vocalizer and are available across multiple languages. Students with an Education Plan can add as many voices as they like.
Clipboard Texts
Copy text from web pages, emails and documents and read it in a way that is accessible with EasyReader.
Students with an Education Plan can import an as many clipboard texts as they like. EasyReader Premium saves all clipboard texts so they can be opened on any device at school or home.

Extra import options for Windows
Students using EasyReader App for Windows can benefit more ways to import Word, text, ePub, DAISY or text-based PDF files into EasyReader. This includes options to:
- Import files from a connected USB drive
- Set up a folder monitor. This will automatically show any files saved to a personal folder on your student's device, or a shared folder on the school's server.
EasyReader App for Mac
Get all the benefits of EasyReader Premium on even more devices.
Students with a login for EasyReader Premium can sign in to EasyReader App for Mac. All of the features of EasyReader Premium are available, including the book list available across devices, additional file imports and clipboard texts, high quality reading voices and more.
Download the free EasyReader App for Mac today from the App Store.

Supporting Teachers to Embed Accessible Reading
Logins for Any Student in Need
Empower every student to read and learn in a way that is accessible for them. An Education Plan provides as many logins as you need for students and teachers, enabling you to make reading accessible throughout your setting.
There are three ways to add students to your Education Plan:
- Create a login: ideal for students who are new to EasyReader
- Share invite code: ideal if students already have a log in for EasyReader
- Register email domain: ideal if lots of students use their school email address to login to EasyReader

Invite Teachers
Add teachers to your Education Plan to enable them to manage their students.
When you invite a teacher, they will receive an email with instructions to create a Dolphin Account and join your Education Plan. Once a teacher joins, they can:
- Create logins for the students they are supporting
- View insights to support each student with the reading engagement
Share Learning Resources with Students
There are multiple ways for teachers to share learning resources with students.
- Create Reading Lists: Use the Bookshare or RNIB Bookshare website to create a reading list for groups of students.
- Google Classroom and Microsoft Education: EasyReader will list any files - including Google Docs - added as 'Material' in Google Classroom or 'Assignments' in Microsoft Education.
- Share directly with students: Students can import Word, text, ePub or text-based PDF saved on their device. This includes any files saved from a Virtual Learning Environment, email or downloaded from a website.

Monitor Reading Engagement
Teachers can use the Dolphin website to view insights into the reading activity of their students. This includes:
- A list of the titles each student is reading
- When each title was last opened
- The current reading position
- And the time spent reading
These insights can help teachers to reinforce students who are becoming more engaged with reading and provide the support each student needs to succeed.
Library Mode
Share the EasyReader Network Installer with your IT team and make EasyReader App for Windows available on every computer in your school, college or university library.
Your IT team can enable Library Mode to clear all of the books and library logins when the students signs out of the computer. Guidance for enabling Library Mode is available on the Dolphin Knowledgebase.

CPD Training and Support for your Team
Online Learning
Upskill your team so they can confidently support students with accessible reading. Our online course is CPD-accredited and available on-demand.
Technical Support
Schools with an Education Plan are able to benefit from Support from the Dolphin team of accessibility experts. Contact the Support team today via phone or email.
Complete the form below for pricing information or to register for a free 60-day trial.