Education Plan Features
Discover the features available in EasyReader Premium to help students to read and learn.
All the Benefits of EasyReader App
Accessible Libraries
A direct connection to accessible library services from around the world. Students can benefit from over a million education titles from Bookshare, CELA, RNIB Bookshare, Bookshare Ireland.
Flexible Reader
Make reading accessible for students with a range of accessibility needs. Students can: choose their preferred text size, fonts, colours and spacing; choose a voice and adjust the reading speed; use ‘lines visible’ to focus on 1, 3 or 5 lines at a time; and explore the text by skipping to a heading, adding bookmarks and notes, or using the search.

Empower Your Students to Read and Learn
Read on Any Device at School and Home
Provides a bridge for school and home. EasyReader Premium securely saves your student's book list and reading positions across devices so they can continue reading on a different device where they left off.
EasyReader Premium also saves your student's:
- Reader preferences
- Library logins
- Bookmarks and notes
- Clipboard texts
- Voice pronunciations

Import Classroom Files
An Education Plan allows students to import as many files to EasyReader as they like and read them independently. This includes class files in Word, text, ePub and text-based PDF formats.
Students can import files saved to their device, or sign in to Google Classroom and Microsoft Education for direct access to material saved by a teacher.
Import Text-based PDFs
Make PDF resources accessible by importing them into EasyReader.
Students can read PDFs in their original layout, or switch to text-view to read with their preferred fonts and colours.

High Quality Reading Voices
Choose from a range of high quality reading voices.
Voices are provided by Nuance Vocalizer and are available across multiple languages. Students with an Education Plan can add as many voices as they like.