ScreenReader Product Training
Develop and expand your skills and knowledge with Dolphin ScreenReader training resources.
ScreenReader Manuals & QRGs
Download a ScreenReader Manual or Quick Reference Guide (QRG) for your version of Dolphin ScreenReader.
Manuals and Quick Reference Guides are available in a range of languages. They can be downloaded in Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF formats.

Dolphin Learning Zone Courses
Short courses for assessors, educators and assistive technology trainers to learn more about Dolphin ScreenReader and the SuperNova range.
Through a series of bite-size lessons, you can learn about the key magnification, speech and braille features available in SuperNova and Dolphin ScreenReader.
Dolphin ScreenReader Learning Resources
Dolphin ScreenReader Video Tutorials
Browse the library of tutorial videos to learn how to master the features in Dolphin ScreenReader.