Guide Reviews
"I talk to my Grandchildren when they’re on holiday, they were in Colorado, and they sent me some beautiful photographs of them skiing, and I just can’t get over the novelty of that, the fact that at the touch of a button I’m in instant communication wherever they are, and I love that because it means the family is connected."
Michael McQuade
"The Guide software is fantastic and Dolphin seems focussed entirely on the user, from both a product and training perspective."
Andy Yates, RNIB
"It’s so easy to use that anyone of any age with any sight problem can use it straight away. I think Guide is certainly a worthwhile investment."
Zena Meacham
"I would definitely recommend this product for anyone who needs assistance with basic computing skills"
Jamie Pauls, AccessWorld® magazine, American Foundation for the Blind (AFB)
"If I met someone who had recently lost their sight or was visually impaired, and on the brink of making a decision, thinking about computing, perhaps never even touched a computer in their life before, I would explain to them what it’s meant to me, how it’s changed my life and how it could change their life. And above all don’t be frightened of it. Plus you’ve got the best support team imaginable, the most patient group of people, they’re there to help you and they do help you, they will never turn you away."
Reg White
"I’m here today to try and learn about Dolphin Guide. Keith’s my tutor, very kindly helping me. I was just used to computers that I’ve seen friends of mine using, and I thought I’d never be able to use a computer, until suddenly I realised that this facility was available."
Dorothy, Service User at Kent Association for the Blind KAB)
"Its put me back in touch really with most of my friends and my children. It's certainly lessened my sense of isolation and given me a lot of confidence."
Andrew Main
"The beauty of Guide is just that you switch it on, and somebody comes up and talks to you and tells you what to do. And that opens up a whole new vista to you, especially when you are my age and you haven’t had any experience of computers."
Olive Fuller
"I prefer using Guide because it’s easier to negotiate and the controls are a lot simpler to use than our old software. The commands and controls were really quite difficult for myself so I gave Guide a shot and it seems to be working for me. It’s brilliant!"
Jason, Student at Borders College