Learn Dolphin EasyConverter - Converting to Large Print

Learn how to make your text and easier to read with Dolphin EasyConverter. Find out more at <a href="https://www.yourdolphin.com/easyconveter">https://www.yourdolphin.com/easyconveter</a>


Hello and welcome to the Dolphin EasyConverter video tutorials. In this tutorial we are going to take Microsoft word document and turn it into large print. Firstly I am going to select new project. Here in the project information window we can see what the project will be called. By default it will be called new project. Here under the project path we can see where the project will be saved to. If you wish to change this you can select browse and choose a new location from this tree structure. The complete project path can be shown here.


Then we can choose next to move on to the next step. Choose your input document. Here we can choose whether we want to scan one or more papers, this could be a textbook or maybe a worksheet or open a document that is already in an electronic format. I’m going to choose ‘open a document’ and browse to find it. I’m going to choose one of the documents that come with Dolphin EasyConverter. The sample documents are located within programme files, Dolphin, EasyConverter 501 and samples. I’m going to choose Tutorial 4. Now I can choose ‘next’ to move on to the next stage. Document Settings.  Here I can choose whether I want Dolphin EasyConverter to detect all of the headings during the conversion. I can also decide if I want to edit my document in Microsoft Word before converting. I’m going to choose yes. Now I can choose next to move to the next step. Choose alternative format. From this drop down list box I can choose which format I want to convert my file into. I can choose text, MP3, DTB or DAISY, large print or Braille. I’m going to choose large print. Now we have the large print options. I can choose to use the documents own fonts or select an alternative font. If I choose to select an alternative font I can choose a font from the drop down list box. I’m going to use Ariel. I can then select the font size. I’m going to use 26. I can also select a minimum font size and a maximum font size. A preview can be seen here. I can also adjust the line spacing. The choices are 1, 1.5 or 2. I am going to choose 1.5. I can now choose next to move to the next stage. Choose an output name for your large print. By default the output name will be the same as the document you have imported. So as we can see here it is tutorial 4. I can also add some extra information to the end of the name, such as large print, the date it was created and the font size. If you don’t want to add this information, simply unselect this check box. I’m going to add the date it was created. Here we can see where the file will be saved to. Now I can choose next to move on to the next stage. Copy your alternative format. Here I can decide to move a copy of my resulting format to another location. I can choose ‘save it to a folder’ or move it directly to a printer. I am going to choose ‘no copy to’. I can now select next and move on to the next stage and select finish to start the conversion. As requested the document has opened in Microsoft Word. Now I can make any changes that I want to the document and check the overall format. Everything looks fine. If I want some more info on the document I can choose properties. This will give me the title of the document, the author by which it was created, and any comments such as any copyrights attached to it. I can also choose statistics. This will tell me how long I have been editing the document, when the document was last printed. How many pages, words, characters, paragraphs and lines are contained within the document. I can now choose save and return to continue the conversion. Once the status bar has reached 100% I can choose done and view my alternative format. My large print document will be shown under resulting alternative formats. If I select it and then choose view output then the document will open within Microsoft word. You have just seen how to take a Microsoft Word file and convert it into a large print document. Thank you.  We hope that you have found this video helpful. To watch more videos, or for further information and to download free demo software, visit www.yourdolphin.com