Learn SuperNova: Scan & Read Inaccessible PDFs & Paper Documents

Find out how blind and visually impaired people can scan printed documents and read inaccessible PDFs with SuperNova.


Print documents and inaccessible PDFs can be read with SuperNova. Read text independently with: magnification, speech and Braille.

(Title flies in reading “Read Print”)

David: Read Print

To scan and read: letters, reports and other hardcopy documents, you will need a flatbed scanner connected to your computer. If you bought your scanner from Dolphin, our product support team can help with questions about setup.

In SuperNova’s Bookshelf tab or Bookshelf menu, open the “Scan and Read” menu.

Choose “From Scannner” and the “Scan and Read” dialog will appear.

Start scanning by clicking “OK” or pressing ENTER. 

When the first page has scanned, SuperNova will ask whether you want to add more pages. Press “Stop Loading Pages” to prepare your text and start reading.

Reader: Dear David. Thank you very much for your help, moving the coach into the flat. 

(Title flies in reading “Read PDF”)

David: Read Inaccessible PDF

If you open a PDF with Adobe Reader and discover the file does not contain text, SuperNova will offer to scan it for you. 

Reader: PDF contains no text. Press Dolphin Key Number Pad + to attempt O.C.R.

David: If you know a particular PDF needs scanning, in the “Scan and Read” menu choose "From file". When you select a file from your Documents, the Scan and Read dialog will appear, and as with print documents, simply Click ok or press ENTER and the file will be scanned and displayed ready to read.

(Title flies in reading “Working with Text”)

David: Working with Text

Your scanned text is automatically saved with the name “Scanned Document” followed by a number and stored in your Documents folder. You can change this name to something more recognisable in the “Scan and Read” dialog.

If you plan to edit your text later, the “Scan and Read” dialog also includes an option to edit your text in Microsoft Word.

You can also select text in SuperNovas’ Reader and copy it to the Windows Clipboard for use in your other applications.

Remember, if your scanner came from Dolphin we can help you set it up.

Scan and Read “from scanner” and “from file” are found on SuperNova’s Bookshelf tab or from the Bookshelf Menu. Press Ok to start scanning.

Open in Word for editing from the Scan and Read dialog.