Learn SuperNova: Voice Synthesiser

A short tutorial on how to change languages, voice and voice synthesiser in SuperNova and Dolphin ScreenReader


Sarah: The voices produced by a voice synthesizer. These synthesizers have different voices, and different voices to choose from. 

To change the synthesizer and its available voices and languages, simply open the Control Panel, open the Speech menu, and select voice preferences. 

To change the synthesizer, simply select the Synthesizer Configuration tab, select the Select Synthesizer button, and then select your preferred synthesizer. 

SuperNova: Select Synthesizer Vocalizer, RealSpeak Solo, Eloquence

Sarah: To change the voice and language, select the Voice and Language Configuration tab, and select your preferred language from the Language Dropdown list. 

SuperNova: Language, UK English. Romanian (example). US English, Hello, this is Jill speaking.

Sarah: And your preferred voice, from the Voice dropdown list. 

SuperNova: Jill. Samantha, this is Samantha speaking. Tom, this is Tom speaking. 

Sarah: You can also move through available synthesizers by pressing Left Control and Left Shift and Right Square Bracket to move forwards through the synthesizers.

SuperNova: Voice on, voice on, voice on.

Sarah: And Left Control and Left Shift and Left Square Bracket to move backwards through the synthesizers.

SuperNova: Voice on, voice on, voice on.

Sarah: You can also move through the available languages by pressing Left Control and Full Stop to move forwards through the languages.

SuperNova: UK English, Romanian, US English

Sarah: And Left Control and Comma to move backwards through the languages.

SuperNova: US English, Romanian, UK English

SuperNova: Dolphin SuperNova, for every visual impairment. www.yourdolphin.com