"Accessible information for every visually impaired person in developing countries!"


EasyConverter Express aims to bring accessible information to the 256 million blind and partially sighted people living in developing countries across the globe. It’s about making sure visually impaired people in any of the 150+ countries can read everyday information, in a format that’s accessible to them. And to make that dream as easy as possible, there are no restrictions. Share EasyConverter Express on USB thumb drive or burn & distribute CDs – we encourage it all.  Make Braille for students, audio for employees or large print at NGOs. We want the power of alternative format information to reach as many people that can benefit across the globe.

The complete range of alternative formats

Make Braille, large print, DAISY talking books or MP3 audio - EasyConverter Express has an accessible format that will suit all your readers, no matter what their level of sight or their experience.  Pick one format, or make them all.

It’s Free!Free in Africa

EasyConverter Express is free for use by anyone, and everyone in any developing country.  Simple!


Expertise included

Developed by Dolphin in partnership with the RNIB, EasyConverter Express has all the expertise packed inside it, so you don’t have to be the expert.


Just 3 simple steps

EasyConverter Express couldn’t be simpler to use. Just 3 simple steps convert your Microsoft Word document into Braille, large print, DAISY or MP3 formats:

  1. Select your format - Braille, large print, MP3 audio or DAISY talking books
  2. Choose your settings - voice, Braille language, large print font etc
  3. Start!

1. Select required format. 2. Choose Outut settings. 3. Export Converted Document.