Open books from a different app in EasyReader
You can choose to download and open books from websites, emails, or other apps in EasyReader. Please note - to open a book from another app in EasyReader, it needs to be available as either a zipped DAISY (DAISY 2 or DAISY 3), unprotected EPUB (EPUB 2 or EPUB 3), or TXT format.
To open a book from a different app on an Android device:
- Find the book you would like to open in EasyReader from your chosen app, then select it
- Choose 'Open with EasyReader'. Your book will be copied to your 'My Books' list and opened in the Reader
To open a book from a different app on an iOS device:
- Find the book you would like to open in EasyReader from your chosen app, then select it
- Your iOS device will provide different options to open the book depending on the app you are opening the book from:
- If you are opening the book from the Safari web browser, choose 'Open in EasyReader'. Your book will be copied to your 'My Books' list and opened in the Reader
- Note - if you have not opened the format of book in EasyReader before, choose 'more' and then choose 'Copy to EasyReader'
- If you are opening the book from an email or from another app such as 'Files' on iOS 11, choose 'export' and then choose 'Copy to EasyReader'. Your book will be copied to your 'My Books' list and opened in the Reader
- If you are opening the book from the Safari web browser, choose 'Open in EasyReader'. Your book will be copied to your 'My Books' list and opened in the Reader