Amy Now & Then - Using SuperNova Magnifier at New College Worcester
Amy Now & Then - Using SuperNova Magnifier at New College Worcester
We meet Amy, head girl at New College Worcester, who tells us how she uses SuperNova to complete her exams. SuperNova is a range of assistive technology for people who are blind or partially sighted. SuperNova provides exceptional magnification, screen reading and braille support that enables you to explore your computer screen and read information in ways that suit your vision. Whatever your level of sight - today or in the future - you can rely on SuperNova to help you succeed at home, at work and in education. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find out more at Twitter: Facebook: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #YourDolphin #assistivetechnology #SuperNova
*Amy sitting down in a library*
Amy: Oh, what are you going to ask me?
Hazel: the joke one again?
Amy: No, cause I don’t know any jokes.
*Amy getting up and walking out of shot*
Amy: Miss, can you write it down for me please? Cause I’m really not good at remembering…
*Amy sitting down*
Amy: Came back, I’ll concentrate, knock knock.
Hazel: Who’s there?
Amy: Bumblebee.
Hazel: Bumblebee who?
*Amy laughs*
Amy: Aww, this is hopeless.
Hazel: Believe me, we don’t need the joke, we got you laughing.
*Amy laughs again.*
*The title “Meet SuperNova User Amy: Now and Then” appears, before fading into a school. The title “in association with Worcester New College” fades in a the bottom of the screen.*
Amy: I’m Amy, I’m in year thirteen… I’ve done all of my exams. I have a brain condition, and it effects the signal from brain to my eyes.
Depending on the light, or how tired I am, when I see things, it all looks different to maybe what it was yesterday…
Hazel: Do you remember the video that we first made?
Amy: I do, and I find it really embarrassing to watch back, because I was really young, and I had braces, and I was really spotty, and I was a typical teenager.
Since last video, I was obviously in year ten, so I’ve obviously done all my GCSEs, started my A-levels, done my exams. I’ve also been head girl, so that’s been a lot of fun, like we’ve done lots of charity events for like Children in Need and Sports Relief. So now I’m onto my last year.
When I first came to the school, in year nine, I didn’t know that we all got laptops and stuff, and they obviously put SuperNova software on there.
*Title “August 2012” appears.*
Past Amy: Before I got my school laptop with SuperNova, I use to just enlarge the page percentage, but since I got SuperNova, it’s been a lot better.
*Title “October 2016” appears*
Amy: I use SuperNova on my laptop, mainly for like my documents and for like researching on the internet. There’s loads, and loads, and loads, and loads of textbooks and documents. Sometimes I’ll like to invert the colours, or the magnification, so I tend to use it for that.
Teacher: She’s very practical young lady, she does like the practical side of the subject more than the theory, so Amy will send me an email, saying what help she needs, and what she’s got to do to complete that task that’s been set.
Amy: I’m still happy using SuperNova, because I’ve used it for quite a long time.
Past Amy: It’s made a huge difference, because I’ve been able to access a computer like everybody else, I’ve been able to read books like everybody else.
Amy: I definitely think that I’ll use the skills I’ve learnt, so I’ll definitely take as much as I can.
Hazel: Ok, do it properly.
Amy: Ok, Knock knock.
Hazel: Who’s there?
Amy: Bumblebee.
Hazel: Bumblebee who?
Amy: Bumblebee cold if you don’t pull your trousers up. (laughs)
*Title appears “Find out more about SuperNova, at”*