Supported Cameras | Dolphin Computer Access

Supported Cameras

Cameras compatible with Dolphin software

Cameras For SuperNova & GuideConnect

SuperNova and GuideConnect software is compatible for use with many portable video magnifiers, cameras, document cameras and some specialist cameras.

Connected and integrated cameras can be used in conjunction with Dolphin software to read or view documents, images and other printed items such as prescriptions, small print, magazine articles and photographs. Use with the Connect & View feature in SuperNova, and through the 'Scanner and Camera' menu in GuideConnect.

A man using a document camera with SuperNova in an office.

Use the Connect & View function in SuperNova to zoom in and out or pan around an image on screen

Supported Cameras

High-quality optical zoom through SuperNova

  • ZoomCam from KobaVision
  • Magnilink S Premium 2 from LVI
  • PK7 from Steller
  • Visualex Maki from Papenmeier
  • Coast Duo from VisionAid

Good for magnifying both documents and distance images, such as a class whiteboard. Enables high-quality zoom in and out of an image, plus option to pan around the image. Control zoom and image panning from your keyboard.

Digital zoom through SuperNova

  • Solo from NordicEye
  • ClearNote HD from Optelec
  • Topolino from Reinecker
  • IBIS HD from Tagarno

High-quality images for documents and detail. Useful for reading medicine labels, small print etc. Enables you to zoom in and out of an image using the camera buttons, while using SuperNova to adjust the image view.

Connection through HDMI and USB3 dongle

  • VisioDeskk from Baum
  • Ebot from HIMS

For desk-based computers.

 Document Cameras

  • V4K from IPEVO
  • V5005 from JoyUsing
  • OkioCam T Portable A3 from Okiolabs
  • HoverCam

Low cost option for viewing documents.

 Other cameras

  • Transformer from Enhanced Vision





  • This list is regularly updated with new cameras which are supported by Dolphin software.
  • To find out if the camera you already use is compatible with Dolphin SuperNova or any other Dolphin software, please contact the manufacturer. You can also contact the Dolphin team on 01905 754 577 to find a recommended supplier.
  • Document cameras can be purchased directly from Dolphin in the UK, or from a Dolphin dealer outside the UK.  

Buy Document Cameras

Senior hands typing on a Dolphin Keyboard

Buy Computer Accessories

Dolphin offers a hand-picked selection of cameras and other computer accessories. These are available to buy direct from Dolphin in the UK.  If you are based outside the UK, contact your local Dolphin dealer for details of cameras available for purchase and delivery.

Additionally, you might be interested in the Dolphin SuperNova or GuideConnect packages. These provide you with a choice of device, plus computer accessories you need to get started with your Dolphin assistive technology software. 

  Computer Accessories  

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