
SuperNova version 13.53 is a free update available for existing customers of SuperNova v13, and includes:

  • Magnification fixes make text even clearer for people with low vision reading with True Fonts in Windows 7. Plus initial True Font support is now available in Windows 8.1.


FIX: Windows 7, improvements to True Fonts system to address reports of incorrect text colour and hollow / ghosted text being displayed in some circumstances. Cycle between True Font and Classic Font Smoothing with LEFT CONTROL+NUMPAD8.
NEW: Windows 8.1. Initial True Font support making magnified text perfectly smooth at: Desktop, Taskbar, Control Panel, notepad and non-Direct 2D apps.
FIX: Windows 8 Secure desktop screens, text no longer corrupt when magnified with True Fonts.
FIX: Magnifier stays in the same place and does not jump back to the last keyboard focus if you move the mouse pointer then immediately press a supernova hotkey.
FIX: Windows 8 Notepad, Font dialog magnifies normally without causing an error.
FIX: True Fonts. Changes for Windows 8 no longer break text rendering in Windows 7.
FIX: Windows 8, Screen Capture action now supported in SuperNova editions that include magnification. Assign a hotkey of your choice from the Action group found in: SuperNova Control Panel/General menu/Keyboard and Hotkeys submenu/Hotkeys dialog.


CHANGE: Dolphin Launch Pad, removed Yahoo US local search as service no longer available from Yahoo API.

Known Issues

  • Line View and Multiple Video Cards only supported by Supernova in Windows 7. Note, multiple monitor support can be achieved on Windows 8 with dual header video cards.
  • True Fonts coming soon in Windows 8 Metro apps and non-Direct 2D applications that include Internet Explorer 11 and Office 2013.
  • Internet Explorer 9. Single characters in the middle of lines incorrectly displayed. To fix this install Windows update: KB2670838.

Other v13 releases:

Complete Version History