GuideConnect Upgrade Agreement
Exclusive access to new features, fixes and improvements
About the Upgrade Agreement
Every new GuideConnect licence comes with a 12-month Upgrade Agreement which gives you:
- Regular updates containing new features and improvements
- Essential fixes to ensure GuideConnect stays up to date with any new Microsoft changes.
- Telephone and Remote Support.
Call Dolphin or contact your Dolphin Dealer to renew your Upgrade Agreement today.

Regular Updates Direct to Your Device
An Upgrade Agreement entitles you to all GuideConnect updates for the duration of your plan.
Enjoy new features and improvements with peace of mind that your GuideConnect always supports the latest changes to Windows.
With an Upgrade Agreement, you won't need to wait for DVDs to arrive by post to update. Instead, GuideConnect will download updates for you automatically, and install them the next time you open GuideConnect.
Renew Your GuideConnect Upgrade Agreement
You can renew your GuideConnect Upgrade Agreement for the next twelve months at any time for £75 +VAT.
For complete peace of mind, we also offer renewal plans for up to five years.
If you're in the UK, contact Dolphin on 01905 754 577.
If you live outside the UK, contact your Dolphin Dealer to renew.

Dedicated Support for New Updates
The Dolphin Support Team is here to help if you experience any technical issues with GuideConnect.
To ensure you have the most secure and uninterrupted GuideConnect experience, you should always run the latest GuideConnect version. With an Upgrade Agreement, your GuideConnect software will always be up to date, and any issues quickly resolved.
If you are running an older version of GuideConnect, we may not be able to resolve any technical difficulties you have, as the technology will have moved on. We highly recommend you keep your software up to date.
Contacting Support
If you are based in the UK, the Dolphin Support Team in Worcester is available Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm.
- Call 01905 754 577
- Email [email protected]
- Use live chat on our website
- Book a time for Dolphin Support to call you
Customers outside the UK can access support in their language and time zone through our network of trusted local dealers.

GuideConnect FAQs
Q. I bought GuideConnect with a Premium Plan. Is the Upgrade Agreement the same?
GuideConnect Upgrade Agreement is the new name for GuideConnect Premium Plan, but there are slight differences.
While all active Premium Plans will automatically be transferred to an Upgrade Agreement, features which were previously only available for customers with a Premium Plan - such as video calling and multiple email accounts - are now available for all GuideConnect customers.
Q. What happens if I choose not to renew my GuideConnect Upgrade Agreement?
If a GuideConnect Upgrade Agreement is not for you, you can still continue to use GuideConnect.
However, once the renewal date has passed, your GuideConnect software will not automatically update, this means that you may lose some functionality when Windows update their systems. Additionally you will only be able to get email and live chat support from the Dolphin Support team.
An Upgrade Agreement ensures GuideConnect accessibility functions work in the way you expect.
Q. How can I find out when my GuideConnect Upgrade Agreement is going to expire?
A message is displayed in GuideConnect when your Upgrade Agreement is close to expiring.
You can also check when your GuideConnect Upgrade Agreement is due to expire within the product:
- From the main menu, choose 'Tools'
- Then choose 'About'
- Select 'Check my Upgrade Agreement'
GuideConnect then tells you when your Upgrade Agreement is due to expire.
Q. My Upgrade Agreement has expired and my GuideConnect is also out of date.
Can I still renew the Upgrade Agreement?
Yes, you can renew your GuideConnect Upgrade Agreement at any time.
- If your Upgrade Agreement expired less than 12 months ago, you will be charged an upgrade fee to bring your Upgrade Agreement back up to date.
Your renewal date will then be retroactively applied to bring it into line with your original renewal date.
- NEW - If an Upgrade Agreement expired more than 12 months ago, you will need to pay a standard upgrade fee to bring it up to date.
This is charged at the equivalent of a one-year renewal.
From here, you can then proactively renew your Upgrade Agreement for up to another five years.