GuideConnect for Friends & Family
Why your loved one should choose GuideConnect
About GuideConnect
If you have a friend or family member living with sight loss, GuideConnect can help them stay independent, connected and entertained at home.
GuideConnect assistive technology is designed to be really easy to use, particularly for people with little experience of technology, who have low vision or limited mobility.
It provides access to entertainment and information, including the internet, books, radio and TV. Plus ways to communicate including email, video calling and printed letters. Most importantly, GuideConnect helps maintain each user's privacy, dignity and independence.

Easy to Use
Key to its success, is the simplicity of the GuideConnect menu. With a straightforward step-by-step structure, the menu is really easy to navigate and has simple controls that make it easy to complete tasks.
People with sight loss and partial sight can customise magnification, text size and speech to their preferred settings, so the screen displays are comfortable for their level of sight. This enables users to operate GuideConnect intuitively. These settings can be adjusted if sight deteriorates further over time.
GuideConnect on the TV
If your friend or family member isn’t confident with computers - but is happy to use a TV - GuideConnect is an excellent choice.
The Dolphin Remote Control is the easiest way to operate the GuideConnect system and adjust volume settings.
Plus, using GuideConnect through a TV means it can be viewed on a large screen, which can help when vision is low.

Choice of Device
For people who are familiar with technology, options of GuideConnect software on a Windows tablet, laptop or desktop computer are all available.
Still simple to navigate, choose the device according to preferences for touchscreen, keyboard or mouse controls.
If you’re not sure which to choose, contact our assistive technology advisors who can help.
The most important thing GuideConnect offers is independence.
It enables users to communicate in different ways, so they can maintain professional and personal connections independently, irrespective of sight levels and technical experience.
GuideConnect users can obtain any information they need from the internet, from accessible books and from printed materials through the Scan & Read function, without accessibility barriers. This means GuideConnect users can maintain their privacy and dignity for longer, as they don’t need to rely on others to help with these tasks.

GuideConnect offers a variety of ways to correspond and communicate. Video calling is a wonderful way to stay in touch with loved ones, and with GuideConnect it’s accessible for people with low vision.
Video calls help reduce loneliness and you can be reassured that your loved ones are safe and happy at home, even when you’re far away. A video call to a GuideConnect user can also be a useful way to help provide visual feedback, such as matching an outfit or locating a dropped object.
Providing the means to communicate by email and post is beneficial for people with low vision who live alone. GuideConnect enables users to read personal items such as letters or medicine labels independently, which is important to retain privacy.
If your friend or family member lives alone and is losing their sight, GuideConnect can help reduce feelings of loneliness and boredom through a variety of entertainment options.
GuideConnect provides access to music and podcasts, TV and film. It also has simple computer games with built-in accessibility features, so they can be played by users who are blind or partially sighted.

Accessibility at Home
Read more about how to introduce people with sight loss to the benefits of assistive tech.