Dolphin ScreenReader Features List
Find out which features you get with Dolphin ScreenReader.
Features in Dolphin ScreenReader
The Dolphin ScreenReader Control Panel has three feature category tabs: Speech, Braille and Media.
Choose from the list below and explore the features in detail.

Speech and Screen Reading
Human-sounding Voices
Choice of voices
Up to four human-sounding voices available. This number may vary, depending on the user's language settings.
Voice preferences
Turn the voice on and off. Adjust the volume and speed.
Synthesiser configuration
Switch the synthesiser to use any other voices available on your device settings.

Speech When Typing
Character echo
Controls how much is spoken as you type. Choose to speak characters, words, new lines and spaces.
Sound Splitting
Use this feature to listen to speech through one earphone or headphone, while you listen to a video call, music etc through the other.
Audio Ducking
Decreases the volume of the computer audio while the ScreenReader voice is speaking.
Read From Here Mode
Listen to documents, emails and web pages read aloud from the cursor position. Read From Here includes:
Each word and line is highlighted as it is read by the speech.
Text style announcements
Choose whether to announce punctuation and capitals while reading.
Pause and navigate
Pause the speech, then continue reading from the last word read. You can also move to the next sentence or paragraph whilst the voice is reading.

Screen Reader Verbosity
Verbosity levels
Choose how much information the screen reader announces. Four levels to choose from – high (ideal for beginners), medium, low and minimum.
Advanced text style announcements
Choose which information is announced in documents and web pages. This includes blank lines, capitals, links, spelling errors and more. The speech can also announce text formatting, including font, size, colour, and whether text is bold, italic or underline.
Advanced speak keys
Over thirty 'Speak Keys' to announce the current character, word, line, paragraph, table and more. Also includes keys to speak, spell and phonetically read the focus.
Monitor markers
Enables the speech to announce changes on screen. Includes security notifications, file download progress, instant messaging notifications and more.
Dolphin Cursor
The Dolphin Cursor enables people who are blind to explore applications and web pages using the keyboard. The Dolphin Cursor includes features to make it easier to explore the screen:
Moves the Dolphin Cursor the next or previous instance of your search term.
Select text
Select text from web pages and applications using your keyboard.
Forms mode
Temporarily switches the Dolphin Cursor off so you can type into edit fields and select options from drop downs.
Simulate mouse actions
Use your keyboard to perform mouse clicks and drag and drops.

Quick Navigation
Quick navigation keys
Move straight to items on web pages, Word documents and PDFs. Move to a heading, link, paragraph, edit field, button, checkbox and more.
Item Finder
Lists all items within a web page or document, including headings, links, tables, spelling errors, Place Markers and more. Select an item to move the Dolphin Cursor to it.
Place Markers
Speeds up navigation on favourite web pages. Add a Place Marker to any text, heading, link, field or button, then skip straight to it the next time you visit the same page.
Braille Features
Braille Output
Braille displays
Supports over 60 braille displays from industry leading manufacturers.
Braille codes
Supports over 50 literary and computer braille translation tables, including Unified English Braille.
Braille verbosity
Choose how much information is relayed through your braille display. Choose from four levels: high (ideal for beginners), medium, low and minimum.
Physical mode
Shows the physical layout of the screen through your braille display. Ideal for understanding the layout of web pages and tables.

Braille Input
Braille input keys
Use input keys on your braille display to type emails, documents and complete forms.
Cursor routing
Use the routing keys on your braille display to position the cursor and select links.
Dolphin Cursor
Use your braille display to control the Dolphin Cursor. This enables you to explore the screen entirely using your braille display.
Show Braille On Screen
Shows the braille output inside a small fixed window on the screen. This enables sighted colleagues and trainers to follow what is happening on the braille display.

Media Features
Scan and Read
Scan from scanner
Scan printed text and have it read aloud. Choose to open scanned text in the Doc Reader, or in Microsoft Word.
Scan from file
Scan and read text from image files and image-based PDFs.

The EasyReader App is included with Dolphin ScreenReader. SMA holders also receive a free subscription to EasyReader Premium.
Accessible libraries
Find and read accessible books, newspapers and magazines with direct connections to 40 talking book services around the world.
Accessible Reader
Play, pause and navigate books. Read in comfort with your preferred text and audio settings.
Text reader
Open Word documents or text from the clipboard and listen to it read back.
EasyReader Premium
Synchronises your books list, reading positions, accessibility settings and more. Download books on Windows, then pick up where you left off on your iPhone, iPad or Android smartphone or tablet.
Entertainment options
Subscribe to RSS news feeds. Choose an article to open it directly in your web browser.
Radio Stations
Choose from a list of popular radio stations to listen to.
Subscribe and listen to a selection of popular podcasts.

Help and Support

Getting started
Dolphin ScreenReader Manual
A comprehensive guide to all of Dolphin ScreenReader’s features and settings.
Context-sensitive Help
Opens help for the application you’re currently using. Learn how to use Dolphin ScreenReader with Microsoft Office and popular web browsers.
Key Describe Mode
Press a shortcut key on the keyboard and find out what its function is in Dolphin ScreenReader.
Hotkey Helper
Search for shortcut keys to help you get the most out of Dolphin ScreenReader. Available in English only.
Video tutorials
View video playlists to learn Dolphin ScreenReader at your own pace.
In-product support
Remote Support
Enables the Dolphin Support team to identify and address issues with Dolphin ScreenReader on your computer.
Ask a question
Sends a message to the Dolphin team. Ideal if you have a question about how to use a particular feature.
Check for Updates
Dolphin ScreenReader checks for updates automatically. Updates are installed directly through Dolphin ScreenReader and contain new features and important fixes.